I was in Vancouver a couple of weeks ago to visit Christine and Sheila, and it just so happened that IMATS was that weekend too! Here are a handful of my favourite pics from the 4 days I spend in Vancouver, but the link to the photoset is at the bottom!
I didn't take very many pictures since other than the ocean, Vancouver does look a lot like Calgary building-wise, haha.
We were a little later than expected, but we made it!
The NYX booth was by far the prettiest. So many eyeshadows! I've never seen so many in one place before o_O And this was just one corner of the stand!
Every time I look at this pic, I marvel at the makeup. The lines look so crisp!
Kelsie and I on the Burrard Inlet cruise :)
Sheila and I waiting in the 2.5 hr long MUFE line! We lucked out, it was even longer after we went through! I'm only wearing eye makeup here as Vancouver made all of my skin peel :(
Christine and I on the Burrard Inlet cruise. As I pointed out to her, we finally have a pic where we are both looking at the camera, AND where you can tell we are two different shades!
It was actually gorgeous and sunny our last 3 days in Vancouver. Pretty lucky :)
More pics under the cut!